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contract's canceled."
"Don't you find a bracelet thin ransom for your life?" Tigan chuckled
"Rather." Shadow shrugged. "But I've only got two choices, and I like
that one better than the other. Otherwise, I believe a contract's canceled if
the issuer turns up dead. If Ganrom won't bargain, then I've got to
consider other arrangements."
"I see." Tigan swirled the wine in his cup. "I find myself wondering why
you need me at this point. Any messenger could do what you ask."
"Any messenger could be bought off to tell whatever I'd told him,"
Shadow said. "Besides, if you're as good as I hear, Ganrom will also know
how good you are. I trust you to deliver my message in such a way that
Ganrom knows I've considered both ways to have the contract revoked&
and that I haven't entirely discarded my other choice."
Tigan barely smiled.
"You are canny, my lady thief," he said. "I find your reasoning good.
Shall we talk terms?"
"One thousand," Shadow offered.
"I don't want you to kill him." Shadow laughed. "Not if he'll bargain.
Two thousand."
"It would be easier to kill him. Ten thousand."
"It might be easier, but I doubt it'd be cheaper," Shadow retorted.
"Four thousand."
"Eight thousand, half in advance."
"Five thousand, half in advance, and another thousand if Ganrom goes
for it," Shadow said firmly.
Tigan considered.
"Done," he said at last. "I'll have the contract drawn up as soon as you
can pay the advance."
Shadow patted her sleeve. The gems she had stolen since entering Allan
mere jingled quietly.
"Got pen and paper?" She grinned.
Tigan raised an eyebrow.
"You're carrying that much money on you?" he asked. "You enjoy
taking risks, don't you?"
"Yes," Shadow said simply. "But I also like working with professionals.
Your advance is in unset gems, untraceable. You can have them appraised
elsewhere before the job, if you want."
"No need," Tigan said easily. "We both know it would be unwise for you
to cheat me. As you say, it's easy working with professionals." He drew
pen, ink and parchment from a drawer under the table and wrote.
Shadow read the contract, nodded and signed, handing over the gems
and the paper. Tigan pocketed the scroll and the pouch.
"Now, unless there's anything more?" he said.
"Any idea when the job might be done?" Shadow asked.
"I don't want to pressure you, but there's a certain amount of rush
involved from my angle."
"Check here tomorrow. Mazak he's the barkeep he'll have word.
You'll know anyway, though. How's Blade going to find you to deliver the
"Oh, please." Shadow laughed. "Blade? She's been following me for
Tigan also laughed.
"You're probably right. As I said, check tomorrow."
Shadow grinned.
"You're a quick worker."
"About some things, maybe," Tigan corrected.
From the Black Lotus, Shadow headed directly for the castle at a brisk
trot. She veered east, however, out the North Gate, and found the hidden
door Donya had shown her. It was locked, but Shadow had her tools and
left the bracelet concealed in her shirt. From the door, it was a more
difficult passage to Donya's room, but Shadow remembered the way and
found it embarrassingly easy to avoid the servants and guards. The rooms
were empty; Shadow kicked off her boots, lay down on the bed, and
promptly fell asleep.
"Damn it, Shady!"
Shadow blinked, grinning sheepishly as she resheathed the dagger
which had leaped reflexively to hand. Donya was standing by the edge of
the bed, relief and anger warring in her expression.
"How did you get in here? And where have you been?" Donya
demanded. "I've been all over the city, even to that pesthole of a
Guildhouse! I've been to more inns and taverns than the busiest whore in
town "
"Calm down," Shadow laughed. "Scold me later."
"Well, Fortune spit on you, I've been worried!" Donya scowled. "I didn't
know whether you'd been killed in some lice pit or just left town or have
you been all right?"
"Uncomfortable, but fine. I thought it might be a good idea to let things
cool down a little. According to Argent, though, they haven't."
"I'll say not." Donya sat down on the edge of the bed. "Shady, just how
much trouble are you in?"
"Ah, I'll manage." Shadow grinned and reached for the bottle of wine on
the nightstand. "Needs refilling."
"I'll ring for some." Donya reached for the bell cord, but Shadow
stopped her.
"Better not," she said regretfully. "I don't want anyone to know I'm
here. That's why the sneaky entrance."
"Then you shouldn't have been napping on my bed. So wait in the
dressing room. Have you eaten?"
"Not much."
Donya rang for wine and food, and when they had been brought,
watched Shadow eat.
"You eat like you've been doing trail rations for a week," Donya said
"Just about that," Shadow admitted. "Listen, are you still willing to do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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