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 No Mistress& but watching your reaction is half the fun. And he snapped his
fingers and several of the men murmured while the others, just blissfully slept on. Len
was passed out but David was slumped against the side of the couch and was watching
me cautiously.
 I m glad to see you and Alan didn t kill each other while we were gone. I told
him, and Kit flipped his black and silver tipped hair behind him.
By Kelly Armenta Copyright © 2007
DRAGON Envy 331
 We haven t left Bodark s house yet. He replied and shifted his red eyes to Alan
who ignored him as he was busy staring at me.
 You seem& .better now? Alan offered and I felt my cheeks go pink and
 Yes it s hard to believe just four short weeks I was a normal girl with a normal
life. I replied.  Now I can t even go out in public without embarrassing myself. I
replied and while I tried not to sound sorry for myself, I m afraid it pretty much came out
that way. Alan nodded thoughtfully.
 Chose one and bring him with you. He replied and leaned back on the couch.
 For you I would make an exception. His comment was met with shocked silence
though in my head it sounded like a war party. I groaned and reached for my temples and
staggered into the nearest chair while Marcus and Stela grabbed for me.
 Aiieee. I breathed and raised my shields then took several deep breaths while
my head lolled on the back of the seat. When I pried my eyes open everyone including
the dazed wolfs were looking at me.  Sorry. I muttered.  Feedback. At least they
weren t tearing Alan apart I thought while nearly all my men turned to glare at him.
Even Dean looked annoyed.
 Alan has offered a night for the secret to the hold Valentine has over my
Drakes. I murmured and Marcus turned to look at me his eyes huge, the blood draining
from his face even as I watched. He dropped onto the arm of my chair and grabbed for
the back. I reached for him and pulled him down into the seat with me then moved
myself onto his lap and wrapped my arms about him tightly. His face disappeared into
my hair and I turned to Alan with a thoughtful look.
 I will consider your offer. I told him while Marcus moaned softly and shook
his head.  Hush. I breathed and soothed my hands over his shoulders. The others
watched quietly though none of them appeared to be particularly happy. Kit looked like
he d enjoy ripping Alan s internal organs out through his nostrils and then roasting them
over a very hot fire. Dane gave me an odd look then shook his head. Obviously my
analogies were& disturbing but then& so was the look Kit was giving Alan.
By Kelly Armenta Copyright © 2007
DRAGON Envy 332
David took a breath and asked quietly.  Did you find anything upstairs? I
glanced at him and then moved my eyes to Kit who nodded.
I dropped my shields. Kit is there any more of those listening devices here in this
room with us? I asked him silently. He glanced around and shook his head. Can you
disable the one you have? I thought and he nodded. Alan s eyes widened and he glanced
between us, his face looking distressed as smoke rose from the silver disk in Kit s palm.
 I suspect Bodark was drugged, probably by Margie. Len set the alarm before he
left and there was no sign of a break in. Either the men who took Bodark away were
already in the house, in which case they would have to be& amongst you, or she let them
in. We found an undisturbed knife and gun under his pillows so there was no chance for
him to fight back. It looks like the room was tossed after Bodark was already disabled.
The champagne bottle was tainted and there was a crystalline residue on the sheets. One
more thing& .Bodark s room was bugged. And I waved at Kit who held up the little
silver disk in his fingers for the rest of them to see. It s likely& it s not the only one here.
I had Kit track the bug back to where it came from. I told them and we all turned to
look at Kit again.
 So you suspect Margie did this? David asked and I nodded.
 Pretty sure. I told them.  I don t know too many victims that taken the time to
dress themselves then gather up their purse before leaving for the hospital. I know she
had her purse with her, because I got it out of the closet at the hospital so she could give
me& .Alan s phone numbers. I replied and moved my eyes to Alan who looked&
startled.  Interesting that she had both his work and cell in her little black book. I
replied and Marcus pulled his face out of my hair and turned his eyes to Alan.  I seem to
recall she was speaking to you at the Mayor s party when I dragged Bodark over to
introduce them. I added and raised an eyebrow while I leaned back against Marcus.
Alan looked annoyed then& almost offended as I finished talking. His dark
brown eyes met mine and he replied in a calm clear voice.  She came on to me. I had
never seen her until that night and I have no idea how she got my cell number. I may
have mentioned& my gallery. He replied. His gallery, the front for his more nefarious
By Kelly Armenta Copyright © 2007
DRAGON Envy 333
activities I thought while he frowned but finally nodded. I watched him calmly and gave
him a small nod. It did little good to accuse Alan of anything. Margie could have gotten
his numbers from Bodark himself I thought while Alan seemed to relax slightly. In and
of itself it meant nothing. Besides I didn t see Alan as the type of man to beat his partner
in crime bloody to cover his trail. He was much too refined for such barbarian behavior.
I thought while his eyes widened and he vacillated between looking pleased I would think
so highly of him and disgusted that someone would do such a thing.
 Be careful Alan. If Margie came on to you& you may be next on her agenda.
Everyone in the room turned to look at me in shock and I pursed my lips and turned to
Kit.  Can you tell us what you found?
 The device came from a warehouse down around 1st and Bryant. From the
outside it looks like any other run down warehouse in that area but inside& is a whole
different story. No one was there so I took a glance around. I looked like most of the
places your mother used to drag you around to when you were a kid. Some kind of lab
complete with clean room and& a silver cage. He replied while my eyes widened.
 And space where it looked like several more cages might have been. At the end of the
couch Jose sat us and glanced around his eyes focusing on me while his face got a rapt
look on it. I glanced at him and smiled which caused him to actually blush.  I d say we
were too late. He replied.  They cleared out pretty fast.
I chewed my lip and thought about it. This was not good. This was so my worst
nightmare come to life& only I wasn t the one in the silver cage& yet. I thought and
sucked air into my lungs while Marcus made a sharp noise and held me tightly.
 Research? I whispered and flicked my eyes to Kit who shrugged.
 Perhaps& .it could explain the missing Weres. If they have Bodark, they may [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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