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It s a handle. You can grab that handle and do whatever you want with it.
Think of that handle as having a value of X. You want to elicit an even
stronger emotional response inside her, so move from X to X+1.
Say, Yes, overwhelming, irresistible passion is wondrous& and
now imagine feeling more intensely than ever before! Feel a deeper
overwhelming, irresistible passion!
Get it? Overwhelming,irresistible passion Deeper, overwhelming,
irresistible passion ;
X X+1
You added a word, deeper, and this became a cue for getting her to
imagine a stronger response than she d imagined before.
Any given emotion can be diminished or intensified through
language. An emotion with an intensity of X can become an emotion with
an intensity of X+1, just by instructing that this happen. If, for example, a
woman says she feels all the love in the universe for her boyfriend, you
can say, yes, wouldn t it be great to feel all the love in the universe for
someone& and then meet someone new& and then realize you can feel all
the love in the universe& and then even more? Isn t it great to know that
the universe has more love than it did a moment ago, just because you
realize this now? Any Emotion X Emotion X+1.
For that matter, any emotion implies the possibility of the next, more
rewarding emotion:
Emotion X Emotion Y
Emotion X (example: tranquility ) can be assumed to create the potential
for Emotion Y (example: centeredness ). Do you have to know what her
personal sequence is? Must she already think that tranquility leads to
centeredness ? No perhaps she s never thought of centeredness as
important. What matters is that you imply, with the kind of conviction she
can see in your face, in your gestures, and hear in your voice, that
centeredness is some kind of positive emotion, and that it s deeper than
whatever X is.
Remember, much of the art of eliciting strong responses in a
woman consists of reminding her of her own unconscious conviction that
her emotions can always go deeper and get stronger. Her depth of
emotion, the Inward Spiral of her Hidden Self, is infinitely deep or so she
tends to think. And you can tap into those deeper emotions just by putting
them in words.
Whatever her present emotional state, she can be reminded that
she wants more.
Example: Yeah, you love your boyfriend. That s great, that s cool.
It s nice to be completely satisfied and to feel that whatever you re feeling
now is as good as it can possibly get. I remember talking to my friend Talia
about that. She was involved like really, deeply, intensely involved with
a guy for what, it must have been two years. She was totally satisfied it
was all she could imagine she couldn t imagine anything better. At least,
that s what I thought. That s what she told everybody. One day she
surprised everybody, though, by announcing that she d found somebody
new. When I asked her about it, she said, Yeah, she thought she was
totally satisfied too. Then she met this guy, and something about being with
him, just being in his presence, just talking to him made her realize that she
could have more. Like all the pleasure she d had till then had only been
preparation. She realized she could have something more as if, within
that relationship she d been inside for so long, she d grown content, and
then numbed as if she d stopped growing, and didn t realize it. But
something about being with this new guy& looking at this new guy& feeling
her heart beat as she looked at him& now& this made her realize that
opening to him could introduce her to new, deeper, more meaningful
Emotions are subjective, and not bounded by sensory limits; they
are therefore infinite as well as malleable. You help a woman grow (i.e.,
you create rapport and intensify her emotional response) by reminding her
that a given emotion is infinite, and that she can feel more .
Remember, women tend to believe that physical events and objects
are trivial, next to the emotional responses that they generate. Everything
is symbolic. The emotion that an object or event symbolizes can be
manipulated through language. Example: Wow, that s a beautiful diamond
ring& it must mean a lot to you& I wonder what it would be like if someone
could see that ring and then sense the feelings behind it begin to rise up,
grow, become a color, grow, intensify, and then make everything you see
around you and everything you re hearing begin to fill with all the beauty
and wonder and connection and warmth that used to be trapped inside that
piece of colorless crushed coal? Imagine feeling how much more powerful
and genuine these feelings can now become, because they re now part of
something real and alive and human, shared and embodied by two people,
in the here and now! The point: Don t just think buying her flowers will do
the trick if you want to have a real effect, describe the emotional effect
buying flowers should have inside her. In fact, if you do a good job
describing the intended emotional response, you can skip having to buy the
You can deepen rapport and strengthen her emotional responses,
just by talking about the yearning for more.
XIII. The Princess and the P.E.A. (Proof by Enjoyable Analogy), or How
to Give Any Experience The Meaning You Want
When talking to a woman, you can connect any event to any
meaning (that is, connect it to any implication or any emotional result) just
by linking the event and the result with words.
How do you arbitrarily link one event, physical or emotional, to
another emotional event? How do you give one thing any meaning you
wish? You say there s a connection, then you describe it with some
pleasant metaphor or image that her imagination can follow, and then say it
results in the meaning you want to give it. The formula is this:
When you X, it s like Y, and this leads to a feeling of Z.
X is any emotion or event; Y is any pleasant analogy; and Z is the
emotion to which you want to lead her Z is now the meaning of X.
When you ZORK, it s like riding a bike along a beautiful country
road, because it allows you to feel a profound sense of WHOOFLE.
Remember, in that sentence, ZORK can be replaced by anything,
and WHOOFLE can be replaced by anything else. The more images you
feed her between ZORK and WHOOFLE, the more easily she ll feel a
sense of WHOOFLE. This is sometimes called the Proof by Enjoyable
Analogy. When you want to seduce someone, you ll make your images
progressively more suggestive, and the emotional state you re producing
WHOOFLE progressively more about intimacy and arousal and sexual
The Proof by Enjoyable Analogy, repeated over and over with
different and progressively more erotic content, can easily form the
backbone of an effective seductive conversation. Just follow the pattern:
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