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vent a second Nicaragua in El Salvador, and the GDR. This is important; because if the gress and used quite sharp words with re-
their actions in South Korea also demon- GDR does not go there, others will go, who spect to Cuba. In this speech he explained
strate their determination to defend the sta- have different intentions, who want to cul- to the public that he had told Brezhnev that
tus quo. On the other hand, there are such tivate relations in order to moderate devel- Cuban adventurism in the Caribbean con-
events as those mentioned by Comrade Fi- opments. I am thinking of the Yugoslavs. stituted an obstacle to detente and peace. He
del Castro, e.g. Grenada in the Caribbean. They want to exert influence in a sense expressed fairly wicked intentions toward
As far as the African region is con- which is not the most positive. This is why us, and basically accused us of constituting
cerned, you are under heavy pressure of the the GDR s presence helps us a lot to main- an obstacle to detente, an obstacle for the
USA because of your military operations in tain the most radical positions. relations between the USA and the Soviet
Angola and Ethiopia. But we are sitting in Erich Honecker: The speech you gave Union.
the same boat, even though we don t have before our State Council [in April 1977] is He basically asked the Soviet Union
any troops there. We only have technical still ringing in our ears. This was after your to control us. Just at this time, we wanted to
experts there. The USA is very curious about trip to Africa. Since then we have increased have some contact, because the revolution
what the GDR does in Africa, be it in Angola our engagement there. in Nicaragua had reached its final phase, and
or Ethiopia, in Zambia or Mozambique, Fidel Castro: This is very important for they wanted to talk to us. We refused to talk
Namibia or South Africa. We have a lot of all of us, for the whole revolutionary move- to them and, after Carter s speech before
cadres there who are active in various fields, ment. The Ethiopian comrades are very Congress, we cancelled a meeting they had
and we train cadres for them. This is why happy that you want to supply a cement fac- scheduled.
the USA is currently tightening its policy tory. We have promised to help them to put The worst in all of this was the policy
towards the GDR. Above all, they bring their up the cement factory. But the contribution of preparing certain armaments. The deci-
influence to bear on the banks in order to to sustaining the radical spirit in these coun- sion to deploy 570 missiles is a very serious
hurt us, in order to create economic prob- tries, in Ethiopia, in Angola and Zambia, in issue. I agree with you that this deployment
lems in the GDR. Madagascar has to be added to that, and is upsets the balance of power. If Europe de-
However, our economy is sound, we very beneficial for us within the framework ploys an additional number of missiles
have enough allies. In addition to the So- of the nonaligned movement. against the Soviet Union, then this is a
viet Union and the other socialist countries, The great success of the VIth summit change in the correlation of forces. There
there are also imperialist monoplies that conference [of nonaligned countries in Ha- are no missiles close to the USA. We can
want to trade with us. For example, we are vana in September 1979] nonwithstanding, understand this situation very well, because
expanding our economic relations with the radical countries are in the minority, but we experienced the October Crisis. When
France, Italy, Scandinavia, and Belgium. we were able to win them over on the most the missiles were deployed here, the Yan-
After this visit, Comrade Mittag will go to important issues, and thereby to isolate the kees disagreed, and they almost provoked a
Mexico. This year or next, President Portillo countries with reactionary positions; be- world war precisely because the missiles that
plans to visit the GDR. cause there actually were very significant were deployed in Cuba could have reached
We have met the Cuban comrades in disagreements at the nonaligned conference. the USA within a couple of minutes. This
Angola and Ethiopia. I would like to thank The situation in Afghanistan has caused would have annulled the entire warning sys-
you, Comrade Castro and the other com- a lot of problems for us, particularly with tem and all time calculations. The Yankees [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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