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One of those days, I used a weekend badly in feasting and drunkenness with madcap
I still confess to some shame that I had to come home with the cadet's uniform soiled,
torn and degraded... Obviously my parents felt deceived.
It is obvious that I never returned to the Military Academy, undoubtedly from that
moment on, my bitter path began...
Then, luckily I found Litelantes again. She had been reincarnated with the name Ligia
Paca (or Francisca). Fortunately she married me...
The biography of any life is in fact a very difficult and substantial task, for this reason I
have only emphasized certain details with an esoteric purpose.
Without question, I did not enjoy a comfortable situation, I earned our daily bread with
difficulty. Many times, eating on Ligia's miserable salary. She was a poor rural school
teacher and to make matters worse, I even tormented her with my execrable jealousy. I
did not wish to look favourably upon those of her colleagues in the teaching profession
who offered her friendship...
Still, I did something useful at that time: I formed a fine esoteric Gnostic group in the
Centre of Mexico. Students from that congregation return to me in my present existence
in accordance with the Law of Recurrence...
During Porfiro's bloody regime I certainly did not have a very agreeable post in the rural
police. I made the inexcusable mistake of prosecuting the famous "Golondrino", a
dangerous bandit who lay waste the region, clearly such an unsavoury character was
In my present existence I met him again reimbodied in a female body, suffering
mania, frightened of being imprisoned for theft. She struggled to loosen herself from
imaginary ropes, believing she was about to be executed... It is plain that I wrote off my
dept by curing the said malady, the psychiatrists had failed lamentably, they were not
qualified to heal her...
At the outbreak of rebellion against Don Porfirio Diaz, I resigned the inauspicious post
with the police. Then with lowly workers with picks and shovels, poor labourers enticed
away from the estates of their masters, I organized a battalion. This brave handful of
humble people were certainly admirable, scarcely armed with machetes because no one
had enough money to buy firearms. Fortunately, General Francisco Villa welcomed us
into the North Division and there we were given horses and rifles.
There is no doubt that in those years of tyranny we fought for a great cause, the Mexican
people groaned under the heels of dictatorship...
In the name of truth I must say that my personality as Daniel Coronado was certainly a
failure, the only things of worth in that troubled life were the esoteric group in the
Federal District and my sacrifice in the Revolution.
To my comrades in the rebellion I say: I deserted the ranks when I became seriously ill.
In my last days of tortured life I roamed the streets in the Federal District, barefoot and in
tattered rags, hungry, old, infirm and begging...
With deep distress I frankly confess that I died in a filthy hovel.
I still remember the moment when the doctor, seated on a chair after examining me,
shook his head and exclaimed: "This is a lost case", then left.
What happened immediately after was frightful: I felt terribly cold like the ice of death.
Screams of desperation reached my ears, "Saint Peter! Saint Paul! Help him! cried the
woman whom I called "the grave digger".
Strange skeletal hands seized me by the waist and took me out of my physical body. It
was obvious that the Angel of Death had intervened. Resolutely the angel cut the silver
cord with the sickle and then blessed me and went away.
Blessed Death! How long had I awaited you, At last you came to my aid, so bitter was
my existence.
After unnameable grief I rested happily in the Superior Worlds. Certainly the human pain
of mortals also has its limits beyond which reigns peace.
Unfortunately, that repose in the deep bosom of eternity did not last for long: one day,
one of the Shining Lords of the Law very softly came to me and said: "Master Samael
Aun Weor everything is ready, follow me."
I immediately answered: "Yes Venerable Master, fine, I shall follow you." Then together
we travelled to various places and finally entered a stately house, crossing the courtyard
and passing through a drawing room then we went into the lady of the house's bedroom:
we heard her groans as she underwent labour pains...
This was the mystic moment in which I watched with amazement the silver cord of my
present existence psychically connected to the infant about to be born.
Moments later that baby eagerly inhaled the prana of life: I felt drawn into the interior of
it's small organism and then I cried with all the force of my soul...
Around me I saw some people smiling and I confess that my attention was especially
drawn to a giant who gazed at me tenderly; He was my earthly father.
It is necessary to emphasize that the author of my days was in the medieval times during
the age of chivalry, a nobleman whom I had defeated in a bloody battle. He had sworn
then to take revenge and as is clear this he fulfilled in my present existence.
At a very young age I abandoned my home, provoked by painful circumstances, and I
travelled to all the places where I had been in previous existences.
The same dramas were repeated, and the same scenes: Litelantes appeared again on my
course. I re-encountered my old friends: I wished to speak to them but they did not
recognize me; my efforts to make them remember our past times were fruitless.
However, something new happened in my present reincarnation: My Inner Real Being
made desperate, terrible efforts to bring me back to the straight path from which I had
deviated for such a long time.
I openly confess that I dissolved the Ego and that I raised myself up from the mire of the
It is obvious that the EGO is subject to the Law of Recurrence. When the Myself is
dissolved we acquire Liberty, we become emancipated from the afore mentioned Law.
Practice has taught me that the different scenes of diverse existences happen come from
within the cosmic spiral, always repeated, in due course, in higher or lower spirals.
All the Marquis' deeds, including his innumerable journeys, were continually repeated,
each time in lower spirals, during the three subsequent reincarnations.
There exist in the world people of precise, automatic repetition, people who are always
reborn in the same town and within the same family.
Clearly, such EGOS already know their role by heart and even enjoy the luxury of
making prophecies about themselves. It is plain that constant repetition does not allow
them to forget events, that's why they seem to be prophets.
These said people astound their relatives by the accuracy of their predictions.
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