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Third Reich. He predicted in advance when Nazi troops would conquer Paris, the German occupation
of the Rhineland, and the date of President Roosevelt's death.
'Hitler was born in Braumau-am-Inn, a frontier town on the Austrian border,' reported Rosenberg.
'Besides being noted as the birthplace of the German fuehrer, the town had an occult reputation as an
area where psychics, mediums. and seers were born. Willi and Rudi Scheneider were both born there,
two of the most remarkable mediums in modern history.'
Was Hitler a medium or was Haushofer the man behind the scenes who fed predictions to the little
dictator? 'We've never been able to determine if Haushofer was the black magician who controlled
Hitler,' said Rosenberg. 'After his flight to England, Rudolph Hess is supposed to have told British
Intelligence that Haushofer was the power, the brains, possibly the magician, behind Hitler and his
demonic legions.'
Even the symbol of the Nazi legions is said to have been selected by Karl Haushofer. 'Haushofer knew
that the swastika was a powerful, magical sign in both Europe and Asia,' said Dr. Rosenberg. 'He felt
the swastika linked Germany to their mystical ties with ancient Asia.'
When Hitler, who was possibly directed by Haushofer, started his battle to power in Germany, he
frequently obtained readings from mediums in Berlin. 'There was a Tibetan monk in Berlin known as
the 'Magician with the Blue Robe.' Hitler consulted him regularly.' Gunther Rosenberg revealed. 'The
Tibetan also made several public predictions that were printed by Nazi newspapers. These included the
number of Hitler's deputies who would be elected to the Reichstag.' The Nazi propaganda papers
reported that the monk 'knew the secret of the entrances to Agharta.'
By 1925, when Ossendowski's Men, Beasts, and Gods brought even more attention to the hollow earth
theory, a new group of Tibetan monks came out of Asia and took up residence in Berlin. 'They were
members of the black orders, who swore allegiance to the powers of darkness,' Rosenberg stated.
'From the day they moved to Berlin, the Nazis made certain funds available to finance expeditions to
Tibet and Mongolia.'
Rosenberg reported that his organization learned that Tibetan mysticism was the source of inspiration
for the Nazi regime and Third Reich. 'When Berlin fell to the Allied armies, all of Germany was in
turmoil,' said Rosenberg. 'Archives were being destroyed by the Nazis. The French, Americans,
British, and Russians vied with each other to obtain Nazi documents. The documents were carried
back to the different countries. Since then, we have checked the sources that have been available. The
entire Nazi movement was based on this Tibetan esotericism.'
When Germany fell, Berlin was a smouldering city assaulted by the modern weapons of warfare.
Allied tanks rumbled through the streets. Russian Yak planes roared through the skies, firing tracer
bullets and bombing anything that moved on the ground. The center of the Third Reich was in flames.
The fuehrer was dead from a suicide shot from a Walther pistol. 'And in the rubble of Berlin were
hundreds of thousands of Nazi warriors,' related Gunther Rosenberg. 'Among them were several
hundred volunteers in the black uniform of the S.S. death's head division. They were Orientals, without
badges, papers, or any kind of identification. They were the last of the black monks who had helped
Hitler's dark, menacing movement.'
General Karl Haushofer outlived his fellow initiates in Nazi mysticism, solemnly watching the
destruction of the Nazi dream. 'He had mixed ceremonial magic, occult lore, and mysticism into a
racial war against humanity,' related Gunther Rosenberg. 'We may never know the full breadth of his
On March 14. 1946. Haushofer killed his wife. Calm and serene, he walked quietly to a ceremonial
prayer rug, knelt before a Buddhistic altar from the black order, and inserted a knife in his abdomen -
Japanese Hari kari.
'His son, Albrecht, knew Haushofer much better than anyone realized,' said Gunther Rosenberg.
'Albrecht knew his father had been the original magician behind the Nazi monster. Albrecht was in on
the bomb plot to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944. He was executed following his arrest.'
A blood-stained poem was taken from Albrecht Haushofer's pocket. It read:
For my father destiny has spoken;
Once again, the demons had to be defeated
and entombed in his cell ...
My father deliberately broke the seal -
He dismissed and did not feel the Demon's breath,
And set him free to roam the world ...
Pseudo-science and some of the most preposterous proposals in history received serious consideration
in Hitler's Germany. Mystical belief in the old Gods of Teutonic mythology had always intrigued the
Germanic nation. 'The Germans have one foot mired in the legend of Atlantis, the other foot in
Western culture, and their face is turned eastward in prayer to the mystic lore of the Orient,' said Albert
McDonald, president of the Hollow Earth Society.
The Third Reich was a system where the cranks, eccentrics, and crack-pots were in charge of an entire
country,' Gunther Rosenberg reported. Every city has a few of these people who build their lives
around unproven, often bizarre beliefs. In your country, the Cultists of California are noted for their
weird beliefs. England has the prophets and crackpots speaking in Hyde Park. In your American city of
Chicago, which I visited a few years ago, there was a delightful area known as Bug-House Square. The
place was swarming with visionaries, prophets, and crack-pots when I was there. The gadflies, off-beat
theorists, and far-out philosophers have a place in our world. We should protect their right to expound
their eccentric views. But, Germany was under the direction of these people. Hitler and his fanatic
aides believed they were correct in their weird theories of science.'
How fervent was the Nazi belief in a hollow earth?
Let's go back to 1942 when the German High Command suffered their first military defeats. The
Russians had launched a massive attack and freed Leningrad from a German siege. Tired, cold, and
defeated, twenty crack German divisions surrendered to the Russians at Stalingrad. America had
entered the war against the Nazis and a resistance movement mushroomed in the occupied countries.
Soldiers in France, Poland, Denmark, Yugoslavia, and other countries were confronted with sabotage,
sniper attacks, and deadly night bombings. Time was desperately needed for work on the V-2 rocket
program, atomic energy, and new weaponry.
Yet, in January, 1942, Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler and four black-shirted bodyguards strode into a
meeting with Adolf Hitler and Nazi propagandist, Josef Goebbels. Himmler, who looked like a quiet,
mild-mannered professor, was the most deadly mass murderer of all time. An ex-chicken farmer,
Himmler was supreme commander of the deadly S.S., the Schultz-Staffen.
Goebbels and Himmler had been summoned to Hitler's headquarters by an urgent message. Hitler
stressed the importance of the meeting. He had to bring victory to his master race.
Himmler was fitful and nervous. He was charged with the execution of millions of Jews, and
sometimes, he complained about his role as official killer. 'No one knows how difficult it can be to
obtain an efficient operation,' he complained.
Goebbels, a dwarf of a man with large eyes and a strangely shaped head, jumped up and saluted Hitler
when the fuehrer entered the room. Hitler acknowledged the greetings from his officers. He slumped
down in a chair at the end of the polished conference table. A portrait of Bismark glared down on the
group from a far wall.
'I have been given some new scientific information,' Hitler said. 'We have just learned that the earth is
concave, not convex. We are not living on the outside of this planet, but on the inside. Man is like a
nest of insects crawling on the inside of a crystal bowl.' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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